body love
virtual experience using doTERRA’s MetaPWR collection
* included for all Essential Sisters in your Oil Lounge, free.
Join me for a 30-day virtual journey
A journey in support of your own personal wellness realized using doTERRA’s new MetaPWR collection for longevity + metabolic health.
My journey has been profound and I’m IN LOVE with the way I feel on MetaPWR. I want more people to experience the benefits of this leading-edge collection. It’s next level.
If you’re already taking Collagen you want to know about this. It’ the most effective Collagen I have ever used, and it offers so much more than just Collagen.
The results are in…
Before creating this offering, I completed my very own self-directed 90-day personal experience of using MetaPWR. It is important to me that I embody what I offer to you.
I feel lighter, markedly more clear (I was experiencing significant morning brain fog), my sleeps are deeper, and my relationship to sugar has shifted for the positive.
Following my personal journey, I led a group of women through the program Body Love over What’s App for 30 days. It had been such a delight to offer, I made it evergreen so that you can enjoy anytime, at your leisure.
Let us be in harmony with our biology, and ignite our next level of harmony.
how our journey will unfold
A 30-day virtual experience with women in conversation and connection experiencing the power of this new MetaPWR Collection for metabolic health and its power, together. As this is now a self-directed program format, interaction is via the discussion board if you comment or pose a question on individual lessons.
The products are not included in my Body Love Program. Purchase links for the MetaPWR Collection are below for my Essential Sisters clients, and if you are new to doTERRA.
My Body Love program is hosted in my Christine Russell THINKIFIC course portal. It's a small bite of information + inspiration each day for 30 days to introduce you with the product. The content drips over the 30 days as we ease into using the whole collection, one product at a time. Enjoy at your leisure.
There are no scheduled calls or zooms. This is for you to deliciously enjoy and soak in information when you take a moment to do so.
I recommend using the full product collection for this 30 day experience.
If you wish to start with just a sampling of the collection, that is ok too! If you are starting smaller I recommend the 15mL oil blend and the Collagen (Advantage).
Anytime & at your leisure. This course is now available evergreen. Upon enrolling in the Body Love course, this offering will ‘drip’ a teaching each day over 30 days. The formats vary between audio, PDF and video. At the end, you will receive a beautiful PDF summary of the content for easeful access.
For anyone who would like to experience MetaPWR with Christine. Open to all Essential Sisters clients, and if you work with another doTERRA Wellness Advocate you can join us as well!
The entire 30-day virtual program is available through my Christine Russell THINKIFIC course portal. If you are an Essential Sister, you receive complimentary access as it is included in the Oil Lounge on the THINKIFIC course platform. This is a fully digital self-directed offering, with a discussion feature to interact and ask questions.
Free for all Essential Sisters clients, DM for your promo code
$147 CAD if you are not a client with Essential Sisters and want to learn together with me.
Our choices create the architecture for our well being.
Devoted to the power and potency of women in their fullest expression. An embodiment of the ever-unfolding training ground that is conscious motherhood. Plant medicine leader. A facilitator of containers that offer clarity, and support courageous aligned action.
My joyful heart beams at the knowing that we as women have the ability to elevate a space, to represent peace in the present, to shine so brightly that our devotion is felt beyond time and space.
You deserve to feel nourished, to feel held, to feel seen, to feel relieved, to feel safe in and out of the spotlight. To remember that in all of your innate joy, you have the power to guide yourself through the dark. To remember that you are the authority of your life experience, and that you have the power to be the living, breathing embodiment of your creative genius – full power, full expression, steady, peaceful and at ease.
Will you step into your own inner vibrancy and harmony with me?