essential oils

Plants are a beautiful way to reconnect with your own inner nature.

Essential Sisters, my doTERRA business, is a deep, beloved, and significant part of my body of work and contribution to my community. Essential Sisters is a collective of women using doTERRA essential oils for wellbeing + wholeness. Whether you work with me as a customer or a wellness advocate, welcome, Sister.

two ways to journey

Tending to our homes and our health with the support and power of nature.

“Christine’s teachings serve as a reminder that self care is much more than a buzzword, and that for women especially the act of caring for self is an act of deep love.”



essential oil client

  • Wholesale Customers, or oils clients of mine with Essential Sisters, enjoy doTERRA oils, together with me. They are a part of a beautiful web of women sharing a common vision of wellness and care.

    We learn, collaborate, and benefit from the vast well of essential oils, share inspiration freely, and have the option to Refer A Friend to the oils without becoming a Wellness Advocate.

  • With access to ongoing tools and tips, including the Oil Lounge for free, I guide women to feel supported by incorporating doTERRA essential oils into their everyday lives, just as I do. I believe in the power of women elevating other women and feeling supported by tools available to us, like essential oils. Sharing doTERRA is a natural extension of my love for essential oils and my love for supporting and elevating women.

  • The gift of these beautiful essential oils

    1-2x monthly email communication

    Access to our private Essential Sisters Oil Lounge, inclusive of oils education audios, videos and PDFs

    Thinkific community of Essential Sisters clients to share inspiration with and learn from

  • To become a client (Wholesale Customer) with me, simply head this way to get started with some of my favorite starting out suggestions, or contact me (via that page) and we will get you started together.

wellness advocate

  • Wellness Advocates with Essential Sisters, share and sell doTERRA oils, together with me. A beautiful web of women are interconnected sharing a common vision to offer essential oils as a part of your business.

    We learn, collaborate, and benefit from the vast well of essential oils and business information and inspiration I share freely.

  • I guide women to create and grow their own business and generate an alternate source of income selling doTERRA oils, just as I do. I believe in the power of a woman sharing what she loves, expressing herself, living her purpose, working from her home, and generating a source of income for herself. Money in the hands of conscious women is glorious! Teaching this business is a natural extension of my love for essential oils and my love for business.

  • 2-3x monthly email communication

    Monthly Business Wisdom mentorship call

    Access to our private Essential Sisters Business Portal, inclusive of Oil Lounge, business + oils education audios, videos and PDFs

    Private What’s App group, a community of Essential Sisters Wellness Advocates + group mentorship

  • To become a Wellness Advocate, simply upgrade your Customer account and say hello! We will get you started together.

“Christine has the admirable and significant quality of holding everyone individually. Everyone gets heard, held and seen by her, the space and containers she creates are truly amazing and healing.”



about the oils

  • What first started as a beautiful way to add a gentle, nurturing scent to our yoga studio, has become a way of life for me – a way of taking care of myself, my family and offering support to my community.

    Essential Oils are pure, volatile organic plant compounds extracted from various parts of a plant, tree or fruit. The Essential Oil is the “essence” of the plant with its own unique properties we get to use for health and healing.

    Learn more about why I am drawn to oils here + enjoy these short videos I created for you:

    • How Essential Oils Work

    • 3 Ways to Use Essential Oils

    • Safety Tips

    • My Favourite Resources

  • I have chosen to partner with and advocate for doTERRA because of the ethos of the company. Uncompromising. Purity. Care.

    There is a value woven throughout their entire business of care, careful consideration, commitment to purity, and doing what’s right. I have felt aligned with doTERRA’s work since the moment I opened my first bottle in 2016, and continue on with my work with them because of this alignment. Their mission is to “grow the best and help the most.”

    Alignment matters to me. My full WHY DOTERRA can be found here in my notebook.

  • The Essential Sisters Oil Lounge — open to both customers and consultants — is a growing educational library to support your journey with the plants. Cultivate your connection to your Essential Oils, to yourself, and to each other.

    Price: $44/month OR FREE for all Essential Sisters customers & wellness advocates.

Plants are a beautiful way to reconnect with your own inner nature.

hello, i’m christine.

Mother. Mentor. Leader. 

Devoted to the power and potency of women in their fullest expression. An embodiment of the ever-unfolding training ground that is conscious motherhood. Plant medicine leader. A facilitator of containers that offer clarity, and support courageous aligned action.

My joyful heart beams at the knowing that we as women have the ability to elevate a space, to represent peace in the present, to shine so brightly that our devotion is felt beyond time and space.

May my well of wisdom nourish + support you naturally. May we weave with the Sacred, and reconnect to your inner nature

Plants are a beautiful way to welcome yourself home, bringing you closer to yourself.

I’m so glad you’re here, woven into my web of women, wellbeing and wisdom.

“My use of essential oils has totally changed (Christine guides us on how to properly enjoy them) and now I can select better oils for certain moments. ”



peace kits 

Peace is forever my priority. Enjoy collections I’ve curated to support and enhance a more peaceful lifestyle—in the home, in our businesses, and within your being.

  • To open your heart, drop into inner peace and fortify the connection between your heart and mind, I love to have these 3 rollers nearby: Rose touch, Magnolia touch, Lavender touch. Florals bring a softness, a healing, a regulation, an opening to us just like the petals of the flower.

    May you enjoy my free Feminine Loop free practice; or, Peace Begins With Me. Both are short 6-minute meditations.

    Shop my fave florals here

  • Offering a tool of peace to my girls always feels really right. No matter the time of year, when emotions are swirling and a little extra support is needed, these plants are special allies, and my girls love them too.

    The five rollers I have within reach for my girls are: Stronger touch, Lavender touch, Magnolia touch, Console touch, and Calmer touch.

    Over on my Notebook, I share 3 ways my girls use the oils, as well as a peace practice we love to do together.

    I've also created a short self-paced offering (with PDF download & short 2-3min videos) to support use of oils with kids called, Natural Kids. You can experience it here.

    Shop my fave five for kids here

  • More coming soon.

  • More coming soon.

  • More coming soon.

“You have been such a guiding light for me in my journey with health and happiness. You have truly empowered me to heal! Your energy and vibration is infectious, your power is magic.”



Our Oil Lounge is a private education + connection portal. Access is free for all Essential Sisters customers and wellness advocates. It is available publicly for purchase for anyone who wishes to journey with us.


I love to hear from the women of my community, and would be delighted to support you with any questions you have about being a part of our web of women. Please reach out to me at