on women and impact

and expanding our hearts & minds

Dearest woman. If you aren’t in the Zoom Room with us on Fridays, this is your invitation.

One of the things I love most about the weekly virtual sessions I’ve co-created with Julie Mitchell and our team is how both reflective and incredibly impactful they feel. Each conversation and each speaker joins us with many beautiful self-inquiries to consider and help us to expand our hearts and minds. This is one of the most important things to us women at On Friday—the willingness to open and expand our perspectives. This is one of the incredible ways we get to make an impact, as women.

I want to share a bit with you on one of most recent speakers on the theme of IMPACT, Erika Royal. Her talk was GOLDEN.

She led an interactive discussion on how we impact ourselves: internal impact allows outer impact. Her strength, fortitude and her softness and inner power had me leaning in the entire hour together. Her talk was on reimagining success and creating joy.

Self-described, she was a woman who had “all the key indicators of happiness” (the Harvard Law degree, Partnership of her Law Firm, a beautiful family with 3 children) but who was anxious, unfulfilled and could not feel happy.

Can you relate?!

Her biggest mic drop moment for me was this:

“What if true success isn't about checking boxes or meeting traditional markers. What if it's about aligning your life with your core values, and what brings YOU joy.”

“Changing focus is not about giving up. It can be about growth and self-awareness. And it is essential that we start to adjust our concept of success as our values and life stages evolve.”

Yes to all of this. We are evolving women, why are we judging our success based on outdated masculine models and old versions of ourselves?

She framed the idea of ‘waiting on our joy’ (for some future time when we have more time/money/etc) by sharing that “we need to create intentionality & urgency to pursue our joy, and not wait for it!”

I highly suggest tuning into this if you missed it. You’ll also receive access to some exercises she walked us through if you tune into the replay. Each replay is live for 8 weeks.

Erika is a force—you can learn more about her here.

Have a written more about Why I co-created On Friday, and What Makes Us Different. Check it out. Or, simply pop-over to on-friday.com and join us. Be with us On Friday from 12:30-1:30pm ET, and pause for some inspiration & reflective time with other women. All from your couch, or desk, or wherever you are to take a breather—live or via replay.

The common thread woven through us all is that we’re independent, we love the work we do, we’re established and most notably, we love expanding ourselves, thrive in connecting, and love elevating women. This is a divine gift for a woman in your life and just $179/year. 

It’s also one of my favourite hours of the week—that I’ve carved out, just for myself.



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on friday