that rollie life

why I love them & how you can use them.

I chose to go to a local yoga class recently, and let me tell you—it was divine. I rolled Rose rollie on my heart for heart-opening, and inhaled Eucalyptus from my palms and rubbed it all over my chest for respiratory-opening. I walked out a changed woman.

OK! So I want to share rollies I grab for most often, with you. Not only are they the cutest things ever, they are truly part of our lives, wherever we are.

Here’s why I love rollies:

  • convenient

  • pre-diluted for ease (*most are)

  • easy to have in several spots in your life/home

  • simple to just “roll on” when you need a boost or to presence yourself

  • less expensive than ‘neat’ undiluted oils

  • an ideal way to begin using essential oils

  • the best for kids to use themselves safely

  • cute & compact for easeful display & storage

Where to keep Rollies:

Create mini set-ups in your life for easy access.

You will find mine in:

  • My car in a little holder (smaller than a cup holder), room for 6 rollies to grab

  • Mini pouch in my purse, 6 rollies

  • A little stand of 4 beside Hutch’s bathroom sink

  • A wood stand of 6 in our family kitchen altar 

  • Each of the girl’s bedside tables

  • My office & my bedside table

I want them wherever I am!

What I want you to take away is this – if your oils aren’t in a spot nearby when you need them, or when you have a moment to take a breath & pause, you won’t reach for them. So place them intentionally where you will see them and can easily use them.

And what a shift they can provide in a moment. Just last night my littlest had a tummy ache. We rolled on Tamer, drank some water and she fell right to sleep. She woke up and said “Mama, the Tamer & water worked! No tummy ache!”

I’ve created a mini Kids Course to support you and your little people, using rollies in your home, and in their daily lives.

Kids Rollie Mini Course:

Enjoy my guidebook with short videos for navigating essential oils with your little (or big) kids.

Offering our children plant essential oils to support them physically, mentally and emotionally feels like a gift in these times.

As a mother, I reach for these often, and empowering my girls to support & resource themselves is unreal to witness.

Enjoy this easeful mini course I created to support & empower you and your kids to reach for natural solutions, $22.



sleep support

